Argentina is well known for their parillas, which are basically a carnivore's dream. They're all over. I ate so much steak and sausage my body forgot what a vegetable was. They also have a lot of pizza places, but their pizza is nothing like ours (Ours wins hands down). But you can get empinadas everywhere. They're delicious hot-pocket like things filled with meat, olive, and egg. I pretty much picked out anything but the meat. The night before we left we went to one of the most expensive restaurants and ordered a huge decadent meal with appetizers, filet mignon, wine, desert. The bill came out to about $110 U.S. Our typical decent meal cost us $80 to $110 Pesos. So, in essence, once you actually GET to Argentina, you can eat like a king.
Anyway, I can go on and on and on about our adventures. I did take pictures. you can see them all here.
We began our time in Buenos Aries getting dropped off by our friend's mother at our teeny apartment in the Recoleta area. I have to say, I am now a bidet convert. Lori thought it was weird.
Just so you know, if anything says "Sweetbread" it's beef intestines.
There wasn't too much in the way of street food, sadly, but every once in a while you could find a place selling choripan, which is basically a sausage sandwich. Which I loved. $4 to $6 pesos.
We quickly learned that at our regular dinner time of 6 P.M. no restaurants were open. Nothing got going until about 9 P.M. I guess most people have a 4 P.M. snack of some sort. So on this trip I had my first coffee, believe it or not, and I guess I got a taste for it.
So what did we do besides eat? We took 3 showers a day because humidity was 95%. We took afternoon naps. And we did a lot of sight seeing. Buenos Aires is full of monuments and amazing architecture. We spent most of our time in the Recoleta, Polermo, and San Telmo areas wandering around. The first big stop was the Recoleta cemetery which is just amazing. Evita (Duartes) Peron is buried there.
The eerie thing about the mausoleums is often they are just stuffed with caskets and you can see right in. Creepy stuff really.
We also hit the Recoleta and San Telmo fairs twice while were there picking up cheap bootie.
Our swag
One odd thing after hitting the San Telmo fair near the Plaza de Mayo was we walked into a Chevy commercial being filmed. Everyone was American. They had an artificial rain machine and did a lot of sitting around. They said no pictures but I snapped a few.
I'm skipping over a lot due to space, but you can see all the pictures in the above link. We hit the Japanese Tea garden, walked around outside the dilapidated zoo, went shopping in the hipster Polermo district. The other big thing we did was go to the delta and Le Tigre for a day and took a catamaran ride around the delta.
Did we do everything we wanted? No. There just wasn't enough time, money or energy. We missed taking a boat to Uraguay. And we didn't make it to the Iguazu Falls. But we still had a blast. But it sure is nice to be back home.
1 comment:
Hi Vorhere, I just came back from BA I have to tell you that I found the city and the people amazing. I rented a flat with Buenos Aires apartments and it has been an extremely pleasant experience which I can recommend to everyone who plans to go to Buenos Aires.
I stayed there two in weeks in an apartment in Recoleta, the location was what I expected and the feeling of security of the neighborhood was great.
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