I bought some period correct 29 cent white felt at Michael's yesterday and cut out the Triumph logo to sew on the
Dehen sweater. What a pain in the butthole! Now to have Lori show me some sewing skills. I chose the '34-'36 era logo for it's roundness (make cutting the felt easier) but still characteristically the Triumph logo we all know.
Speaking of clothing, I am lusting after the
Mister Freedom Mulholland Master jacket, only $900! Only...

For the thrifty... the
Barbour International is only half that... only...
There's also "generics" for less
Dunno if they're any good.
Hey Vorhese... Flathead45 here. I am Bitmonkey's older brother. I made an Indian sweater and hit on a technque that makes it easier. Buy some stuff called fusible interfacing. You iron it on the felt first, and it gives the felt stiffness, which makes cutting the design out much easier. Then you can iron it onto the sweater. It won't hold permanently, but will attach well enough to sew it much more easily. I'll bet your wife know how to use this stuff.
You two have the world's coolest kid!
awesome I'll give that a shot, thanks!
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