I didn't call. I paced a bit. "It's looooong gone." I sent Lori the ad. "You should get it." "Babe, it's long gone. I never had a chance."
But I called.
Roy answered. An old feller. I asked him if anybody else had called, and no, I was the first. Pupils dilated We shot the shit and I asked him how we could make the deal. He said it getting late and I said I'd give him a call at noon on Friday. Ok, all set up.
Instantly, I pictured all the snipers trying to get the Triumph. Offering more money, making tempting offers like the devil. I have driven 2 hours to get a bike, promised to me, and sold 5 minutes before I got there. But Roy sounded honorable. I was still shaking full of anxiety.
All night long I thought about it. I woke up and instantly thought about it. I worked a half day Friday and was leaving at noon. I was going to ride home and call Roy. Please Roy, don't let me down.
Just as I was putting my helmet on, Roy called. "I sure wish I had a hundred of these motors. You're coming, right? There's 5 guys ready to come if you don't." My anxiety shot through the roof. "Dang right I'm coming." "Can you be here in an hour?" "I'll do my best."
I rode like a maniac from Burlingame to Oakland. My heart was pounding. Please please please... I jumped off my bike, ran upstairs to get the keys to my buddy's truck, and zoomed over to get it. I feverishly threw off my gear (but motorcycle pants still on) and drove the 30 minutes to Martinez. Please please please don't get sniped!
I pulled up and Roy greated me at the door. My anxiety plummeted and we had a nice conversation. He showed me an 40 year old picture of him on his 1969 Bonnie. He really loved that bike. He also showed me the original receipt.
Enough small talk. He took me to the garage where the '67 TR6 had sat for 20 years. He bought the motor off his son's friend, and got a dual carb head for it. He bought the frame from Mean Marshall's for $300 in 1992. We hauled all the pieces out and I asked Roy if he was camera shy so I could have a record of him.
So, here it is... frame, motor, and some misc of a 1967 Triumph Tr6 for $350. I finally got my score I've been dreaming about. I owe Lori big time for letting me do this. I'll finish the pre-unit and CB7500 first, then get on this. I'm currently thinking a mild swing-arm custom. That swing-arm calls to me. Do we really need another unit Triumph with a bolt-on hardtail?
Cool score. Looks like it's in damn good shape for the $$$. You're building quite the fleet. There are few enough really bitchin' swingarm customs, seems like a noble goal. It's screaming streettracker to me...
It's hard not to think about getting going on it, but I really need to finish my other 2 bikes first.
that's so great. Everytime I hear folks saying that old Brit bikes are too expensive, I'll remember this score. You need to put some work and $$ into it, but it'll be just what you want it to be. take lots of pics during the build!
Good job jason. Its all about the score. I know that feeling all too well. Its getting so tough though. They have apps that alert you to your keywords when something is posted.
(not Jason)
Yay me!
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