All 3 of us woke up feeling like we ate bad sushi and eggs the night before. The pancakes Pop's wife made us helped a little. But pretty much the whole day was spent feeling nauseous and uneasy. It ain't easy being green.
I'm glad I had my pjs.
After an eternity of getting the 18" wheel together (thanks Caffeine for the wheel!) and another bitter struggle assembling the forks we had a roller.
Troop reassembled and modified the drive line to get all the spacing right.
So we had a roller
But we needed advice on a couple things. We loaded up the truck to see local guru Robert.
Robert has been there, done that, seen it all. And was working on one of their friend's '51 Triumph. My mouth was a bit open in awe.
Advice given. Advice taken. We headed back to Pop's garage and started working on the seat. Pops made some new bungs while I made a new front pivot bracket. Troop was working on tearing apart the trans.
The seat was mounted. And we called it a night.
looking good man!!
Pops made those pancakes himself. Your false report is a testament to how wasted you were and how late you got up!
Good lookin out. I felt a bit jilted by the comment. Those pancakes were made with love man. Vor, you were tore up from the floor up weren't you??
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