On the way down my mirror flew off. I managed to catch it in midair at 80 mph and stuff it in my crotch until I could pull over. 5 minnutes later my seat brackets broke and my seat basicially shifted backwards 6". Then 2 miles away from my exit and 5 minutes before the meet I ran out of gas. I stood there like a jackass hoping a biker would go by to give me some gas. Luckily a good samaritan drove me to a gas station to fill up.
After all that I managed to get to the meeting spot only 20 minutes late. We rode through the Santa Cruz mountains like maniacs. Apparently the cops are ticketing people for anything, even 3 mph over the speed limit. Luckily for us we didn't see any. We did see a unicylist, a spooked horse almost take us all out, and plenty of other bikers. We ended up in San Jose where I jetted back home. My butt was sore, my back tired. Clip ons are fun on the twisty roads, but they are a pain on long distance runs. Here's some non riding pics.
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