Wednesday, February 29, 2012
5 in 7
This is what I showed at the Unfinished Projects show. I managed to get 5 paintings done in 7 days. I haven't been this productive art-wise since I was unemployed. I did them fast, had to try to relearn techniques, but they turned out ok. The melted crayon one, "Wax Racer", is for sale for $250. The 4 mix-n-match characters are going in the nursery.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
2 steps forwad, 3 1/2 miles back
The RD. I'm noticing a trend with my RD posts. Excitement about said bike running. Disappointment as something goes wrong. Repeat. I woke up Sunday with an understanding that it was going to be a chore and relaxation day. I've been wanting to get the RD out for a true test ride. After a few chores, I told Lori I was going to be gone, no more than an hour, to go ride around the Oakland harbor and shoot some video.
I got out there, it's the lightest traffic area I know of, but still a good constant stream of cars and semis. I set up a few shots, got a few looks, the usual. After maybe 2 shots the RD began to sputter a little. Off idle it would be extremely sluggish and then "catch" and accelerate. Eventually, it just would bog down down, and then just not even start or idle. My plugs were getting oily, and intermittently not fire, and then completely have no spark. The battery was getting lower and lower.
I seem to be having some sort of ignition problem. Maybe the charging system isn't working, or the battery is going out. Maybe it's the coils. The points and condenser are new. Needless to say, on the last 5% of my cell phones battery, I contacted Lori to inform her I'd be pushing the bike home. 3 1/2 miles home. Again, I sure missed owning a truck.
I was dripping sweat. I had probably 30 to 40 motorcycles drive by and even stop right beside me with no offers of help. Sport bike guys, Harley guys, dual sports, even vintage riders. Nothing. When I passed the Brown Sugar Kitchen there was, of all bikes, another RD there. Some punks in black leather (one of whom I later found out is a poster on the forum) came out to ask if they could help, but couldn't. But I was so happy to see "my type of people" offering help and was very appreciative. After over an hour of walking I finally made it home, soaked. I was a bit light headed and Lori forced ice water down my throat until the room stopped spinning.
I'm not sure when I can tackle this RD again. I'm trying to find a factory service manual for a diagnostics test. But Lori is term, the baby could come at any moment, and, well, I just can't be irresponsible and leave her again like that. It might be a while. So enjoy this partial and unfinished video with a poorly running RD350.
I got out there, it's the lightest traffic area I know of, but still a good constant stream of cars and semis. I set up a few shots, got a few looks, the usual. After maybe 2 shots the RD began to sputter a little. Off idle it would be extremely sluggish and then "catch" and accelerate. Eventually, it just would bog down down, and then just not even start or idle. My plugs were getting oily, and intermittently not fire, and then completely have no spark. The battery was getting lower and lower.
I seem to be having some sort of ignition problem. Maybe the charging system isn't working, or the battery is going out. Maybe it's the coils. The points and condenser are new. Needless to say, on the last 5% of my cell phones battery, I contacted Lori to inform her I'd be pushing the bike home. 3 1/2 miles home. Again, I sure missed owning a truck.
I was dripping sweat. I had probably 30 to 40 motorcycles drive by and even stop right beside me with no offers of help. Sport bike guys, Harley guys, dual sports, even vintage riders. Nothing. When I passed the Brown Sugar Kitchen there was, of all bikes, another RD there. Some punks in black leather (one of whom I later found out is a poster on the forum) came out to ask if they could help, but couldn't. But I was so happy to see "my type of people" offering help and was very appreciative. After over an hour of walking I finally made it home, soaked. I was a bit light headed and Lori forced ice water down my throat until the room stopped spinning.
I'm not sure when I can tackle this RD again. I'm trying to find a factory service manual for a diagnostics test. But Lori is term, the baby could come at any moment, and, well, I just can't be irresponsible and leave her again like that. It might be a while. So enjoy this partial and unfinished video with a poorly running RD350.
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Big Show
I woke up Sunday morning in a fog and my bones not wanting to move. As I rolled out of bed the previous night's memories started trickling down from the rafters, synapses started firing again, and the true epicness of the Unfinished Projects show started to come back to me. The night was just insane. From the moment the doors opened it was nonstop people and packed all night. So packed that the party continued outside. Bikes lined the entire block.

Photo by Doug Taylor
I'm probably one of the fortunate few that got to photograph the bikes and art before the deluge of people showed up and made it difficult for any photographers. The caliber of art and bikes this year was more cohesive. We can't thank the participants enough. True professionals Scott & Maya were in top form and supplied the soundtrack for the evening. Many many thanks. Tshirts and posters are still available, so contact Jason Anderson at Gallery MotoSF (jason@neoedo.com). Many thanks to everyone that helped, Tara, Doug, Lucas, and other nameless people. My biggest thanks goes to my 38 week pregnant wife who managed to stay out on her feet all night long and encouraged me to once again put the show on with Jason Anderson. It takes a lot of work and money to put on a free show, and we hope everyone enjoyed it! Judging by the turnout, if we do this again next year, we will have to find a bigger venue.
Here is a large gallery link to all my pictures
There are many more pictures online on the MotoSF Facebook page, including all the hilarious photobooth photos, and various other blogs. Just look around, and I'm sure you'll find some.

My 53/55 Triumph Thunderbird 6T
future project with my boy!

Jason Anderson and Jason "Vorhese" Friend

Photo by Pete Young
And a fly thru video

Photo by Doug Taylor
I'm probably one of the fortunate few that got to photograph the bikes and art before the deluge of people showed up and made it difficult for any photographers. The caliber of art and bikes this year was more cohesive. We can't thank the participants enough. True professionals Scott & Maya were in top form and supplied the soundtrack for the evening. Many many thanks. Tshirts and posters are still available, so contact Jason Anderson at Gallery MotoSF (jason@neoedo.com). Many thanks to everyone that helped, Tara, Doug, Lucas, and other nameless people. My biggest thanks goes to my 38 week pregnant wife who managed to stay out on her feet all night long and encouraged me to once again put the show on with Jason Anderson. It takes a lot of work and money to put on a free show, and we hope everyone enjoyed it! Judging by the turnout, if we do this again next year, we will have to find a bigger venue.
Here is a large gallery link to all my pictures
There are many more pictures online on the MotoSF Facebook page, including all the hilarious photobooth photos, and various other blogs. Just look around, and I'm sure you'll find some.

My 53/55 Triumph Thunderbird 6T
future project with my boy!

Jason Anderson and Jason "Vorhese" Friend

Photo by Pete Young
And a fly thru video
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Bombs United 2012, San Jose
I picked a bad time to put my Desoto on non-op.
**BOMBS UNITED 6th ANNUAL picnic & Show n shine April, 28th, 2012!**
Come on out with the family n friends to History Park in San Jo. Fellaz, Get creased up from the feet up! Suited n booted. Ladies, get dolled up from the floor up. Baddest Cholo & Chola come thru n show us what u got and u may be eligible for FREE ADMISSION to BOMBS UNITED OLDIES AFTER PARTY at Pizza Jack's.

**BOMBS UNITED 6th ANNUAL picnic & Show n shine April, 28th, 2012!**
Come on out with the family n friends to History Park in San Jo. Fellaz, Get creased up from the feet up! Suited n booted. Ladies, get dolled up from the floor up. Baddest Cholo & Chola come thru n show us what u got and u may be eligible for FREE ADMISSION to BOMBS UNITED OLDIES AFTER PARTY at Pizza Jack's.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Crayon Melt
I've seen this "thing" online of melting crayons over canvas to make art. I remember being a kid and our art teacher had this crazy molten crayon painting device. This isn't quite that technical, just line up and hot glue crayons, and use a hair dryer (or preferably a heat gun) to melt crayons to create motion. I decided to give it a shot. If I could do it again, I would definitely use a heat gun. To get a hair dryer to correct temperature you have to have it on high anf it just blows the stuff everywhere.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Flip It
I had an amazingly productive 3 day weekend. Clean house, clean garage, clean backyard, clean dogs, 2 out of 5 paintings finished, the belly cast. And yes, I DID get the RD running and zooming around right as it got dark last night! She's back! But I'll save that for a later post. In addition to all that I even managed to work on the XS.
I swapped forks around and cleaned them up. I'd like to strip that horrible powder coat off the aluminum lowers.
But now I have a tab I can mount the brake stay to.

I also tore apart the wheel and cleaned everything up, gave it a mild polish.

I need to reassemble everything and measure for spacers. After that it's time for the battery box, switch panel, and wiring!
I swapped forks around and cleaned them up. I'd like to strip that horrible powder coat off the aluminum lowers.
But now I have a tab I can mount the brake stay to.

I also tore apart the wheel and cleaned everything up, gave it a mild polish.

I need to reassemble everything and measure for spacers. After that it's time for the battery box, switch panel, and wiring!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
5 Paintings In One Week
I haven't painted in over a year, and I started 5 paintings which I plan to finish this week for the show! If I can do one a day...

Going In Circles
Last weekend I, with Lucas' help, took the RD to Livermore to visit RD Guru Julian to figure out what is up. We got it running as usual, but it was mediocre at best. He checked to make sure the floats were on the right side (left side has a choke hole, which I didn't realize) and that was correct. We pulled the carbs off again and then he ran into his house. He came back out with a smile on his face... "The carb slides are on the wrong side!" We swapped those and it was like NIGHT AND DAY.
The beast was back! The idle was good, but he left it up to me to check the mains, which seemed pretty good already. So yesterday, it ran great, but I was low on gas so I threw on its license with 2009 tags and shoved the headlight back in, and rode it to the gas station a few blocks away. I forgot how fun it is to ride this bike! Filled it up with 1 gallon of premium, 3.75 oz of 2-stroke oil, and shook it it all up. I left the station and about 20 feet later it fouled and just would not start again. I got to push it back home.
I swear, there is nothing more problematic than a 2-stroke. If this bike wasn't worth it, i would have taken a shotgun to it long ago. Today I will ONCE AGAIN try to figure out what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is wrong with it.
6 years ago...
The beast was back! The idle was good, but he left it up to me to check the mains, which seemed pretty good already. So yesterday, it ran great, but I was low on gas so I threw on its license with 2009 tags and shoved the headlight back in, and rode it to the gas station a few blocks away. I forgot how fun it is to ride this bike! Filled it up with 1 gallon of premium, 3.75 oz of 2-stroke oil, and shook it it all up. I left the station and about 20 feet later it fouled and just would not start again. I got to push it back home.
I swear, there is nothing more problematic than a 2-stroke. If this bike wasn't worth it, i would have taken a shotgun to it long ago. Today I will ONCE AGAIN try to figure out what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is wrong with it.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Guerilla Cruise #3
I've been tempted to meet up and cruise over the Bay Bridge with these guys sometime, but it hasn't happened yet. But here are some cool pics.

Hope It Works
I had a buddy keep asking me how I was going to mount the XS front drum... it seemed so obvious that there is a stud to attach the stay to.

But then I looked at picture of one online...

So I looked closer...

And even closer...

So yeh, looks like it was modified at some point. The wall is fairly thin, so I'm concerned of cracking. I'm not sure if this wheel was ever run like this. So, I'm going to assume it works and run it this way. But if it starts to crack, I will try to rig up a piece to come down from the fender attachment to slide into the grooves on the drum.

But then I looked at picture of one online...

So I looked closer...

And even closer...

So yeh, looks like it was modified at some point. The wall is fairly thin, so I'm concerned of cracking. I'm not sure if this wheel was ever run like this. So, I'm going to assume it works and run it this way. But if it starts to crack, I will try to rig up a piece to come down from the fender attachment to slide into the grooves on the drum.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tradeshow Fixtures - #3 Art Of Shaving
And the final fixture is my personal favorite. I put a lot of love into this. This fixture was almost cast aside by the judges, but I helped keep it alive. It's the only fixture geared at men. Wood laminate with real marble, lit enclosures, and yes, the barber pole DOES work!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tradeshow Fixtures - #2 Chanel Salesman Case
The second fixture I worked on is this neat little traveling salesman case. It reminds me of something that a salesman would pull out of his business coupe in the 40's and, while giving it a shake, the legs would spring out. These legs are fixed, but the rest of the case is fully functional, covered in a Chanel black leather diamond pleat.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Workplace Obligations
I guess one of the benefits of having someone work for you that can draw is to have them draw your girlfriend's fiance's Valentines Day envelope art. My boss came up to me "Draw an orchid, dark, gothic." I'm on the clock... so I gladly did. I enjoy getting to do more creative and fun things. I don't have a lot of experience drawing in this style, and I had to get it done pretty quick, but I did my best.


Happy manufactured day of love! Oh, who am I kidding, I kind of like Valentine's Day. We celebrated last Saturday at Marica in Oakland. As you can see, one of us is getting cuter the older we get (and it ain't me).

By the way, 36 Weeks! as of last Friday. 1 more week and he's considered full term. He looks fully cooked now!

By the way, 36 Weeks! as of last Friday. 1 more week and he's considered full term. He looks fully cooked now!

Monday, February 13, 2012
Tradeshow Fixtures - #1 Bare Escentuals Easel
It's that time again, time for our tradeshow. 6 months of re-engineering student contest entries into manufactureable, full-scale prototypes! This year's theme was cosmetic stations. 2012 will be the last year my company does this. We had 12 finalists, and I was in charge of three. This first one was the simplest, but still a most excellent design. An knockable-downable easel design, with removeable carrying case.

Saturday, February 11, 2012
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