His factory is closing this summer. It's odd and sad seeing things that I considered institutions and permanent all disappearing from my home town. My dad was a machinist for a while and then a machine repairman.
I worked at that factory for a summer before college as a maintenance team, going around painting all the buildings, fire hydrants, railings, etc. I remember spraying diesel in the back lot to kill weeds without wearing any sort of protective gear. And all the employees inside gagging and complaining. When people would find out I was "Bill's kid" you could see the amount of respect that they had for my dad in the way they would talk about him.
Before that I can remember being young with my mom going to pick him up after work sometimes, hearing the whistle. and all the people punching their time cards and walking out with their metal lunch boxes. Spangler candy company was next door, so my brother and I would run into their lobby and take some free samples.
But all this is disappearing. And I'm trying to cling on to what's left. I'm glad my Triumph is going to have little pieces of my dad attached to it.
So, these might bore some of my friends, but some will get them. I asked my dad for a couple spacers and brackets. I drew him up a rough diagram with some dimensions, and here's what he delivered.
Chain Tensioner:
I needed dad to make me two little pivot brackets for my chain tensioner. The front mount goes over a sexbolt that will screw onto the frame. The rear one goes over a bolt for the skateboard wheel. I'll be making a connecting arm.

Brake Pedal:
I had dad make a pivot for the brake pedal. Not only that he planed both sides of the brake pedal so they were parallel. Before this I had a crudely welded on piece of tubing and a big bolt.

Fork spacers:
These little beauties, made out of aluminum, slide on the fork tubes and allow the forks to be sucked further into the fork lowers, lowering the forks. he made me a 3" and 2" set. Beautiful!

Pics to come showing them in use. Thanks dad!
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