So Jared from Pacifica and I headed out Saturday morning at 7 A.M. from South City for a very cold ride to Grass Valley. I was on my XS650 and he was on his 92 Evo chopper. Cold, wind, fog, everything I hate. We pretty much froze until we got past Sacramento, but once we got on 49 we started shedding the layers and actually enjoyed riding. All my gear I strapped to my sissy bar went no where. There were no problems whatsoever.
We finally got to Grass Valley at Paco's Tacos and met up with Jared, Ronnie, Ken, and Chad in the chase truck. We grabbed something to eat and headed out on the best ride of the trip. Down 49 to Copperopolis, taking a quick detour on Pool Station Road. It was warm and gorgeous, and so much fun. Jared's Triumph ran great and we hit the curvies.

We got to the Deathtrap's party in Copperopolis and got front row parking. A much needed bbq, some Wild Turkey, and some bands and I was about dead. I only had 3 hours of sleep the prior night, then the 8 hours of riding that day. I managed to fall down a hill of jagged rocks trying to take a pee out in the dark and was feeling it pretty good. I got my sleeping bag and hit the dirt and took a nice long sleep until I was woke up by 1000 roosters just before 6 A.M.

Jared and I hit the road at 8 A.M. and bee-lined it back to Bay where we once again froze. Great trip. It was great meeting everyone and I had a great time.
You can see all the pictures, including some really cool bikes