I've spent almost a year and a half working on this bike. It was part of the package deal to get the 1950 BSA B33 "
Candyman Beezer." I'd keep it if I didn't already have a 750.
Tins are in excellent condition. Carbs have been upgraded to performance CB750K round slides. Bumped up the pilot jet to 42. Tons of information on SOHC forum about this upgrade. Carbs have been completely gone through and cleaned and carb sync'd. Intake boots have been reconditioned. New spark plugs, valves adjusted, cam chain adjusted, points adjusted and strobe timed. Ready to rock.
CB750K air box, new air filter, steel-braided brake lines, new brake fluid, new petcock. Brand new sealed 330 cca battery. Brand new custom wiring harness & headlight mount. includes original seat, gauges, and other bits.