I'm once again having hosting issues and in process of moving to a new host asap. In the meantime this is what's happening in our life:
He's standing, he's taken 2-3 steps so far, but falls on his hands. He's climbing up on everything possible. He eats anything he can get his hands on. On top of milk every 3 hours, he eats 3 meals a day of real food. He particularly loves yogurt, bananas, winter squash, pinto beans, chicken, and his favorite: sweet potatoes. He's been teething like crazy for months and we're expecting his top 2 teeth to pop out any second. He becomes more and more toddler like every day. Slow down Max!
The Triumph:
The chassis is all but done. I'm having to send the crank back to Wes @ Four Aces to solve some issues. In the future, I'm not even touching the crank on any bikes. I'm hoping to have a running bike in February.
The Children's Book:
I have 27 pages of line art just about done. Soon I will be water-coloring and then it's just scanning and putting it into a book form. My clients will be self-publishing on Amazon.
The Dogs:
Severely neglected.